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Nearly 75 million people make up the Millennial generation in the United States, and yet, for many nonprofits, this generation remains an untapped resource. The most significant transfer of wealth known as the Great Transfer of Wealth is shifting from older generations to the Millennials and younger ones.
This transfer has prompted nonprofits to navigate new realities caused by the pandemic and other social issues. Dr. Holly Hull Miori, an academic, researcher, and fundraising professional, has developed a comprehensive guide that explores the potential roles that Millennials can and should assume in nonprofits, including those of donors, board members, and volunteers.
Her guide offers insights and actionable strategies for unlocking the potential of this emerging group.
The book presents six distinct findings, providing innovative ideas that nonprofits and fundraisers can implement to engage the Millennial generation effectively. Join us for this important conversation!
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Colorado Planned Giving Roundtable
Women of Color in Fundraising and Philanthropy (WOC)®
WID Greater Boston
Holly Hull Miori, PhD, MPA, MTS, CFRE
Holly Hull Miori, PhD, MPA, MTS, CFRE has spent nearly twenty years fundraising and is an elder millennial herself. She has raised funds both locally and nationally in areas as diverse as higher education, healthcare, social services, the arts, human rights, and Holocaust education.
She holds master’s degrees in theological studies and public affairs and a PhD in public affairs, where she focused on millennial philanthropy.
Her research on trends in philanthropy includes faith-based fundraising, family foundations, and conscious capitalism. Dr. Miori is an active volunteer in local AFP chapters, AFP US Government Relations, AWARE Dallas and Paper for Water.
Dr. Miori has held fellowships with the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action and the Lake Institute at Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. She is a sought-after speaker and instructor on fundraising trends.